Unique Loan-Processing Solution

Suma Soft's Unique Loan-processing Set-up Helped Leading Mortgage Provider with Faster & Improved Procedures

Client’s Background

The client is India’s leading Mortgage Company oering mortgage solutions to customers of varying income and credit type. With a team of dedicated professionals, the firm excels in finding the right loan- with best rates, terms and costs -to meet every customer’s unique needs.

Project Requirements

The client's business was growing at a fast pace. Not only were the mortgage applicants asking for loans to be processed sooner, but they also needed the tax transcripts. This made the process time-consuming, tedious and could possibly damage the client's good customer relations.

Business Areas of Concern


Suma Soft set up a team of qualified and trained resources to validate the loan documents. The team members had excellent communication skills to deal with third-party vendors to see if additional information or corrected documents were required to order the transcripts.

Key Processes Established by Suma Soft

Business Outcome

Suma Soft’s effective business processing team helped the client increase turn-around time at reduced costs and improved quality standards.

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