Perform Scalability Testing

Suma Soft Helped A Pune-based Reputed University To Perform Scalability Testing And Find Performance Bottlenecks of the Distance Learning Web Portal

Client’s Background

The client is one of the most reputed autonomous universities from Pune. They were developing a web portal for their distance learning department. The website contained two major logins of Teachers and Students and different modules for registrations of students and teachers along with department admin logins. Some of the important features of the system were Online Test, Online Result, and various Reports, etc.

Project Requirements

The client was looking for a testing expert who can help them to detect and prevent failures and slowdown of the software system before deployment to production. Additionally, they wanted to determine and verify the maximum number of concurrent transactions being executed without sacrificing the quality of service and verify the behavior of the system once the load increases more than its design expectations.


The scope of the engagement was to measure end-to-end response time for the application and also look for the performance optimizations on the server-side. We at Suma Soft executed more than 20 tests for the application with 2500-5000 concurrent users. Testing was performed based on the following scenarios:

Login: 40%, Content delivery- 60% for students. Bandwidth: 1mbps, 600kbps-650kbps Load: Tests were performed under different load conditions (All the requests hit the server at the same time with a step of 50 users in 5 sec).

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