Data Entry for Finance Companies

SUMA SOFT’s Data Entry Services for Finance Companies

Suma Soft’s Business Process Management services have enabled our clients to optimize costs and unlock business value.

Our team has extensive experience of working with following Financial Forms and Documents.

Questions? Contact One of Our Agents!

Mortgage Companies

1003, 1008, Title Report, Appraisal Report, Closing Disclosure, Loan Estimate, SSPL, Credit Report, Income Documents, Bank Statements, Purchase Agreement, Deed of Trust, Note, First Payment Letter, IEAD, Tax Certificate, 1040

Banking Organizations

Risk-Based Capital Reporting for Institutions, Suspicious Activity Report, Domestic Finance Company Report of Consolidated Assets and Liabilities, Report of Deposits and Vault Cash, Annual Report of Deposits and Reservable Liabilities, etc.

Private Equity Firms

Purchase Questionnaire, Purchase Agreement, Qualified Intermediary form, Direct Credit form, Fund Disclosure Document, Subscription Agreement, Private Placement Memorandum, etc.

Due to digital form of most of the latest analytical and processing applications, basic data needs to be in digital format. There are following ways in which data is inputted Information Management systems.

1. Using OCR Technology
Applicable when core data is available in print format and needs to be inputted to system.

2. Manual Data Entry
Applicable when data is not generated in paper format but is received either on phone, or from secured websites, or has been communicated over emails and other channels. Manual data entry is also required when data in print format cannot be extracted using OCR.

As all the decisions are going to be driven by data due to digital nature of systems and due to interconnectivity of networks, it is very important and critical to ensure that data entry is absolutely accurate.

With an experience of 22 years in the field of Business Process Outsourcing domain and with excellent exposure to Finance Processes and Documents, our teams are best placed to perform the job of Data Entry for any Finance Organizations including Mortgage Companies, Banking Organizations, Private Equity Firms, etc.

Being an ISO 27001:2013 Certified Organization, our highest emphasis is on Data Protection and Data Security while working with all the Records and Systems of our esteemed clients. At the same time, being an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization, we ensure to adhere to highest standards of quality. If you are looking for partners to outsource your data entry function, SUMA SOFT can offer the best solution at affordable cost.

We would love to understand your specific requirements and explore opportunities to provide our services to you. Please reach out to us by completing some information on our ‘Contact Us’ form and we will be happy to reach out to you with further information.

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